Crown Point Chamber Of Commerce

Empowering Economic Growth and Celebrating Civic Pride

We Are The Crown Point 
 Chamber of Commerce

At the Crown Point Chamber of Commerce, our mission is to uplift and empower the Crown Point community through unwavering support for local businesses. Every action we take is a step towards nurturing and championing the heart of our community—its commerce. Together, we thrive.

Member Directory

Discover the vibrant heartbeat of our community through our member directory. Explore, connect, and thrive together!


Stay updated on local events. From networking mixers to workshops, find your next opportunity here!

News & Updates

Stay informed and engaged with our news blog. Discover stories, events, and updates that matter most to you.

Become a Member

Create, grow & activate your network.

Why Join

Our membership expands market reach & connections. Join businesses across sectors to create, grow & activate your network via increased exposure.

Upcoming Events

What’s happening around town?
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